Our School
Nau mai, haere mai
ki te Kura Tuatahi o Tauranga
Welcome to Tauranga Primary School
As Principal of Tauranga Primary School, I feel very privileged to lead a professional, caring, and highly skilled staff. Our team is focused on growing great young people who are happy and confident in their identity. We have a strong focus on ensuring that all of our learners have a strong foundation in Literacy and Numeracy so that they can confidently and competently access the breadth of the NZ Curriculum. Support from whānau and our school community ensures that our learners experience a large variety of engaging learning opportunities, and benefit from a school environment with extensive resources.
TPS is a special place to learn and grow in.
Ngā manaakitanga
Fiona Hawes
Principal | Tumuaki
Our School Vision is:
Together, we are learning to go places
Akongia tātou, ngā haere ki wāhi kē
At TPS we work together to engage, challenge, and support our students, to grow their capabilities and dispositions as learners, so that they can thrive in learning and life.
Our Strategic Plan has three main guiding Kaupapa
- Learning and Teaching - Ako: Our TPS curriculum is responsive to our learners, coherent, and informed by research. We achieve equitable progress and outcomes for our learners.
- Relationships - Whakawhanaungatanga: Our staff, board, whānau, and wider educational community collaborate to enhance outcomes for our TPS learners
- Wellbeing - Hauora: Our school culture and environment is inclusive, based on respectful and caring relationships.
Term Dates 2024:
Term 3:
Monday 22nd July – Friday 27th September
Term 4:
Monday 14th October - Tuesday 17th December.
Labour Day - 28th October (School Closed).
Teacher Only Day - 29th October (School Closed)
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1:
4th February - 11th April
3rd February February Whānau Connect Day
Interviews 8am - 6.30 pm
Waitangi Day - 6th February (School Closed)
Term 2:
Monday 28h April – Friday 27th June
King’s Birthday - 2nd June (School Closed)
Matariki – 20th June (School Closed)
Term 3:
Monday 14th July – Friday 19th September
Term 4:
Monday 6th October - Wednesday 17th December
Labour Day - 27th October (School Closed)
Our Pou
Story of our pou...
Taurikura Pou
Mauao Pou
Our History
Tauranga Primary School was first established as a Missionary School in 1835 by Sarah Wade, the wife of the Rev. R. W. Wade, on the site where 'The Elms' now stands.
The school (a raupo hut) was responsible for educating 30 local children.
Bishop Selwyn produced the plans for an imposing two storied gable building, with a belfry, to become a 'Mission Training Institute' for 60 young Māori children to be trained in various crafts and agriculture. This building was opened in 1860.
With a growing conflict between Māori and Europeans, the Institute was closed in 1863 and was used as a hospital during the Gate Pa Battles. After the hospital closed, the Institute was turned back into a school (in approx. 1886) with Mrs Dalziell as the teacher and a roll of 50 students. On Monday 9 January 1871, The Central Education Board took over the operation of the school, paying Mrs Dalziell £40 per year and expecting the community to match this figure. From that date Tauranga District School was established.
In 1872, the school was moved onto land between St Johns Street and 10th Avenue. Three further rooms were built and both Māori and European children were taught.
In 1880 a second site closer to town was purchased on the corner of Harrington Street and Cameron Road, where the current Court House is situated. This No. 2 school was built at a cost of £1,070.
In 1904, at a cost of £432, the No 2 School was moved to its current location and the No.1 school buildings were sold. The Tauranga District School roll continued to grow, and in 1920 the junior school was relocated onto land bordering 5th and 6th Avenues. In 1944 the building of Tauranga College commenced (opening in 1946 and later renamed Tauranga Boys College) and the school, on this present site, was renamed Tauranga Primary School.
School Houses
In 2014 we introduced a House system for our students. The intention is for the House system to add to our school culture and encourage a sense of team and healthy competition. We have several House Spirit days during the year, where students are encouraged to wear the colour of their house to school. Each term the winning House wears their House tee shirt on the last day of term, and has an extended lunch break. We award the coveted House Shield at the end of each year to the overall winning House.
Takitimu was a sacred waka that sailed through the Pacific as part of the seven canoe migration to Aotearoa. Takitimu was led by Tamatea and first landed up north before coming to Tauranga. Tamatea chose to stay here in Tauranga and is buried on Mauao. The takitimu waka represents the courage and intelligence of early voyagers who bravely explored the unknown world around them.
Puriri is a native evergreen tree. TPS has two puriri trees on site. The two trees were planted by the Principal (Mr A Bell) and Head Prefects (Lyn Christian and Gordan Riggir) of Tauranga District High School to commemorate the coronation of King George VI on the 12 May 1937. These trees stand tall as proud reminders of our schools long history.
Huria is the local Marae that Tauranga Primary School is affiliated to. The primary hapÅ« is NgÄi Tamarawaho of NgÄti Ranginui. Dr Maharaia Winiata, a prominent MÄori leader from Huria Marae, was a past student of Tauranga Primary School. Huria marae is a symbol of the importance of being part of a community and working together to achieve goals and aspirations.
Mauao is our mountain. Mauao is of great cultural significance to our region. Our three Iwi – NgÄti Ranginui, NgÄ te Rangi, and NgÄti Pukenga – regard Mauao as their most sacred mountain The history of Mauao, along with the legend, is one of heartbreak and struggle, but also one of endurance, strength and unity. Mauao stands guard at the entrance to Te Awanui, the Tauranga Harbour.
Sport @ TPS
Throughout the year there are many fun and competitive sports on offer at TPS. Your child may benefit in many ways through playing a team sport. Through sport, children can develop their sporting skills, increase their self confidence, make new friends and have loads of fun. Sport teams that play in competitions outside of school hours include netball, miniball, basketball, volleyball, cricket, water polo, hockey and rippa rugby. During term time we host various school events such as Swimming Sports, Cross Country and Athletics. Parents are welcome to attend these events. We ask that children wear their house colours or house shirts on any day they are competing in a school sports' event.
Sport Co-ordinator
Jo Taele
Lunch Orders
Pita Pit- Friday
Pita Pit order and payment is via the School Shop only.
Pita Pit orders must be placed before 9:00 am on Fridays.